Spain's soccer team during a training session
Spain's national soccer team head coach Vicente del Bosque offering tips to players REUTERS/Sergio Perez

By predicting all the six knock out games correctly in the World Cup football, Cortana, the virtual assistant for Microsoft Windows phones has added a new fizz to the search engine market.

It was on June 28 that Microsoft added the Cortana service. Soon after Microsoft added World Cup predictions to Cortana, she backed Brazil, Colombia, the Netherlands, and Costa Rica in the final 16 games.

It was Marcus Ash, senior program manager for Cortana, who in his euphoric Tweets explained the Cortana feat in correctly predicting the winners of all the six straight World Cup matches.

Advantage Bing

Many hail the arrival of Microsoft's Cortana as the worthy digital replacement of the deceased octopus, which was the star in 2010 World Cup.

The amazing perfection in its predictions on World Cup results have bolstered the standing of Microsoft's Bing which had also successfully forecast the winners in events such as The Voice, Dancing with the Stars, and the American Idol.

Thanks to the superb predictions of Cortana, now many see it as a rival to Apple's Siri virtual assistant.

Regular updates

This new prediction functionality in Cortana steams from the regular updates that Microsoft had been doing on Cortana for weeks together.

Flagship Cortana

This digital assistant is a flaghship feature of Windows Phone 8 and is the front end of all Bing queries. Its predictions emerge from Bing's analysis of the track record of teams, weather conditions, type of grass, and home field advantage etc.

Microsoft Procedure

For tournaments models are evaluated on the basis of a number of factors such as previous win/loss/tie in qualifying matches and international competitions. The margin of victory in these contests is adjusted for location advantage.

France and Germany

Cortana has predicted that France and Germany will be progressing to the quarter-final and they will be the popular favorites.