When you are traveling to Asia the last thing you need is to get sick. However sometimes circumstances are beyond your control. For this reason you should always be prepared for any emergency, by traveling with some good basic medicines.

A first aid kit is always good and should include medicines for common problems like:

  • Diarrhea: this is a common complaint when you go abroad. You can get this from eating foods that are new to you, or consuming foods from street vendors. Water in different countries in Asia is not always sanitary. You are better off buying bottled water. You should always keep some medicine for diarrhea in your first aid box.
  • Malaria: Malaria is common in many countries in Asia, especially SE Asia. It is a parasite carried by mosquitoes and can be very dangerous if not treated right away. You can get Malaria pills and should always keep some in your first aid box.
  • Insects: insect bites can make you sick and certainly very uncomfortable. Mosquitoes are the main problem here. You should try to keep plenty of insect repellant and apply it at night and as the evening approaches. Always sleep with a mosquito net at night so that you can avoid these pests and sleep properly.
  • Allergies: when you go to new countries, you never know when you might be subject to an allergy attack. Always keep some medicine for this in your first aid box. Allergy attacks can make you feel miserable and you do not want anything to stop you from enjoying your holiday.
  • Prescription medicines: do not forget to get your prescriptions filled before you leave and always keep the prescriptions with you. This will save you from having to give lengthy explanations as to why you have certain medicines with you. Try to keep enough for the duration of your holiday, as it might not be so easy to fill prescriptions in a foreign country.
  • Vomiting, food poisoning: this can happen when you visit any place away from home. You should always keep some medicine for this. Try not to eat food from street vendors as this can very easily be contaminated. Plus in certain countries this will be extra spicy and may not agree with you. If this is severe you can see a doctor but for something that is fairly mild you can usually rely on your trusty first aid kit.
  • Headaches and aches and pains: it is common when traveling to get overtired and land up with some aches and pains so it is good to keep some pain killers like tynol or aspirin.
  • Natural medicines: some natural medicines like vinegar are always good to keep on hand, as these are good topical medicines for insect bites. You should bring some conventional medicines for insect bites to stop them from getting infected and take the itch out of them.

When you bring these emergency medicines, you will be able to enjoy your holiday better and not have to have it ruined by small ailments.

The article was first published by BlogOfAsia. All rights reserved. Blog Of Asia © is a website providing various information related to the continent of Asia, such as: current news, culture, travel, business opportunities and living experiences