Being a celebrity is probably the closest to being a beautiful woman as you can get. - Kevin Costner

Every year, Maxim comes out with a list of Hot 100 and this year is no different. Here, we take a look at the beauty secrets of a few beauties featured in the Maxim Hot 100 list for 2014.

#1: Candice Swapenoel

Candice Swapenoel considers sun protection as the most important part of her beauty regime. She always carries her face wash, toner, moisturiser, sunscreen and body oil wherever she travels and whenever she goes to the ocean, she uses different oils and conditioning creams on her hair. She also tries to breaks from make-up so as to let her skin breathe. The key to her beautiful figure, she says, is squats.

#2: Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett Johansson's beauty regime includes removing her makeup before going to sleep, using a hydrating mask once a week, drinking lots of water, cleansing her face with apple cider vinegar, using honey as a facemask, soaking in a long bath with lavender oil, and her favourite product is Cellular Lip Treatment balm from Kanebo Sensai.

#3: Katy Perry

Every celeb has their beauty secrets and so does Katy Perry. Katy Perry said, "The right fragrance can leave a lasting impression and bring out a crazy confidence inside you." She believes that it is okay to colour your hair and that sleeping, steaming, hydrating and drinking tons of green tea are part of her skin care necessities.

#4: Irina Shayk

Irina Shayk said, "It's very important to me to keep my skin fresh, especially since I live in New York, which is very dusty." She washes her face three times a day with Cetaphil facewash. She uses coconut oil to take off her make-up. To unblock clogged pores, she goes into the Russian stam room. She also suggests not using the same cream for more than 10 days because then the skin will get used to it. She believes that raw diet helps maintain her figure and she goes on this diet a couple of days a month.

#5: Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence said, "I'm miserable when I'm dieting and I like the way I look. I'm really sick of all these actresses looking like birds. I'd rather look a little chubby on camera and look like a person in real life, than to look great onscreen and look like a scarecrow in real life." The star does not believe in fad diets. Instead she turns to anti-bloating foods like lean turkey, asparagus and lots of water. She also loves her tea and is a big fan of chamomile and dandelion tea. To keep fit, she does a lot of stretching, yoga and pilates.