Many say that the eyes are the windows to the soul and that it can be the greatest feature of anyone to be proud of. In Hollywood, it cannot be denied that there are numerous male celebrities who have very attractive eyes. They seem to see right through you and speak to you even without words.

Who says sexy eyes are just for beautiful women? Here we take you to a list of male celebrities who have the best eyes you can ever get to look at.

Paul Walker. He started acting as young as 12 years old and not many know that his very first commercial was for Pampers. He had his big break in "The Fast and the Furious" with Vin Diesel in 2001.

Richard Gere. His eyes are known to be what many women call as "bedroom eyes" and for the past 15 years, he has been included consistently in the lists of sexiest men alive. He is also an award winning actor especially for the all time favourite chick flick "Pretty Woman" with Julia Roberts and a Golden Globe winner for "Chicago" in 2003.

Josh Hartnett. This young actor has always been considered to be one of the underrated ones in the industry. What makes his eyes unique is that they are truly set as kind puppy eyes.

Check out the slideshow for the rest of the male celebrities who are included in the list!


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