In the third installment for "Batman: Arkham Origins," the caped crusader has faced off with eight assassins and goons on Christmas Eve. Even with quite an exciting lineup. For gamers who are still trying to figure out some new tricks that would help them get through the game, here are some tips.

Advanced Tips: When You're 'Almost There

Gadgets are still everything with "Batman: Arkham Origins," and in fact, there are a number of toys and weapons that gamers can access. Players just have to make sure that they use the one that's meant to accomplish the job.

One interesting toy is the cryptography sequencer that allows you to hack through locked objects. Prima Games also highlights the Detective Mode for "Batman: Arkham Origins," and the new feature of recreating crime scenes and running through them to search for more clues.

In addition to this, gamers also have to realise that the battles are designed to be hard. Gamers have to treat each of the assassins as though they are bosses, and at the same time, make sure that they also know the strengths and weaknesses of the bosses.

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Lastly, exploration of the world is one of the things that gamers can enjoy besides the main fights. There are side missions that even feel rewarding on the inside, such as helping the police catch a crook. These can help gamers not only to serve as practice on the small fries but to also be able to hold their own with the big bosses.

And it doesn't hurt that hidden collectibles and earning the city's trust (given the fact that players are just starting their career as a crime fighter) can also be deepened with exploration of the world.

Want to play all three "Batman: Arkham" series games? Read here to know the details of the "Batman: Arkham Collection."

'Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate' Boss Strategies

For those who have moved on to "Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate," the 3DS and PS Vita game, the PlayStation Blog has released a number of videos and tips in order to boost up gamers' experience and knowledge when facing off bosses and getting into the spirit of combat in the game.

Admittedly, there have been a few criticisms for "Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate" in terms of graphics and some functionality, but if gamers can get past that hurdle, there is a great use of FreeFlow Combat that developers aimed to adapt to the handheld game.

There is also an advantage to knowing the bosses and pre-boss enemies, and game director Mark Pacini gives a few tips on how to overcome them.

It's hand-to-hand battle all the way with Bronze Tiger, though gamers need to be adaptive of their style as he can be very adaptive with his. Deadshot's weakness is also his strength and gun firing, as his gun can't reload immediately, so it would pay well for players to know their timing well.

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The big lug Solomon Grundy is tougher as gamers need to be more creative in their attacks. Relying solely on strength and contraptions won't get players far. As for Black Mask he relies mostly on explosives and machinery, so players can use his comrades against him to use as shield for his grenades. Then when he tries to go big with the generators, gamers can make a move towards three of the switches, which they need to shut down at the same time.

Some problems that you may encounter with "Batman: Arkham Origins": Read here for more.

Penguin is more tactical and beating around the bush. Avoid direct confrontation at the get-go because his men have motion sensors and better weaponry than most of the other enemies. So gamers need to take out the men or get the ammo backpacks off of them first before making a move on Penguin.

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Lastly, there's The Joker, is all about the chase and confrontation, so gamers should use the line launcher and the other gadgets in their utility belt to defeat him.

The link above also features videos to show both some combat encounters as well as the bosses that players will be battling against.

Another useful strategy comes from That Video Game Blog, which shows off two helpful videos to aid you through "Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate."