With the final batch of “Batman: Arkham Knight” downloadable content (DLC) coming out this week, the developers in Rocksteady decided to celebrate the occasion by releasing one last Arkham Insider video, which can be seen below. The video previews one of the missions that will be playable in the “Season of Infamy” DLC, along with the free character skin from the 2008 “Dark Knight” film.

There are a couple of noteworthy things about the “Season of Infamy” pack, like the number of new areas made specifically for the DLC villains. This includes new sections in the GCPD building and Stagg blimps, showing how hard the developers have worked for the extra content.

Also noticeable is one of the new enemy types shown in the “Shadow War” mission that reintroduces Rah’s Al Ghul to the “Arkham” universe. During the short encounter shown, fans will notice a few enemies that relentlessly attack Batman, forcing the player to counter multiple times before finally laying a blow on the foe.

Short appearances from Mad Hatter, Mr. Freeze and Killer Croc make the video worth watching, though the end is also particularly interesting. While “Arkham Knight” is the end of the trilogy, it seems like the developers in Rocksteady aren’t done with the Dark Knight just yet, as noted by Comic Book.

Fans will be happy to know that they can download the patch that will support the December DLC very soon. According to GameSpot, the penultimate patch will feature heavier rain in the game’s opening, a classic costume for Harley Quinn and the Arkham Knight skin for Red Hood.

Much like the 2016 “Batman V Superman” DLC pack, the 2008 movie skin will be a free download, with season pass owners getting it first. It’s worth noting that the 2008 skin wasn’t originally planned for the game, but was added due to fan demand. Considering how the batmobile from the Christopher Nolan films made it to the game it’s only fitting that the costume be available as well.

There is one more DLC pack planned for January, though it will just be a few AR Challenges for fans to play through. Other than that, this is likely the final DLC for the game. “Batman: Arkham Knight” is currently available in retail and online stores for the PS4, Xbox One and PC.

Official Batman: Arkham Insider Episode 11 - Season Finale

(Credit: YouTube/Batman Arkham)

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