"The Bachelor Australia" Season 2 is heading towards the final weeks, with the bachelor of the season, Blake Garvey, still having strong feelings for all the remaining four girls in the show. He had strong feelings for Zoe, as well. As he cannot be in a relationship with all the girls, he had to send her home in episode 16. At the moment, Blake is expecting the girls to open up and confess to him that they are madly in love with him, but he himself is unsure about his feelings. However, it looks like either Louise or Sam may get the final red rose.

Here is what happened in Episode 16 of "The Bachelor Australia" Season 2:

Osher came to the house, without a single date card, to inform Zoe, Lisa, Sam, Jessica and Louise that Blake has invited all the five girls for a romantic getaway to Blue Mountain. The girls were excited to go on this last group date of this season, as next week Blake will be going to meet the family of each of the four girls. Blake admitted to the camera that he has strong feelings for each of the five girls. He was expecting the girls to truly let their guards down.

Atop the mountain, Osher informed the girls that they were expected to get off the edge of the mountain. Blake and the girls had to climb down the 100 foot cliff. Once all the girls landed at the foot of the cliff, Blake asked Louise to come with him for some alone time, together. He told her that he missed her, and Louise, too, said that she missed him. He called the view serene, peaceful and exciting at the same time. Blake said that he felt the same way about Louise. He saw her as someone who is caring and warm, but was not sure if there was a spark, fire and passion between them. Louise too said positive things about him and about the possibility of a future, together. When asked, she told him that she was excited to introduce him to her family. For Blake, Louise has almost all the traits that he expects in his woman and she makes him feel loved and great whenever he is with her. The two had a long kissing session.

Zoe was the next girl to spend some time with Blake. He was not sure if their relationship is deep enough. He would have connected with her more if she was not afraid to open up. She told him that she was afraid of being rejected, but soon admitted that she can see herself falling head over heels in love with him. The two tossed coins in a pond after making a wish. Blake said that he wished to find true love. Zoe did not tell him what she wished for.

If Zoe's inability to open up was a problem, Lisa's giggles were making Blake unsure about her feelings for him and whether she was serious about the whole thing. He called her a wonderful woman but he felt that she has the tendency to laugh away everything. Lisa and Blake's date started with their ride on horses. He was expecting her to be serious and not giggle much, without telling her that. Lisa, too, sees a future with him but does not want to be in a vulnerable position. Blake found their conversation awkward.

Jessica has been the most open about her feelings and it was no different in Thursday's episode, as well. She arrived to meet Blake and straightaway jumped in his arms. Blake, however, has started to realise that they just have great chemistry and nothing else. Blake and Jessica's date began with a body massage session. No, Blake was not giving the massage, though he loves to do that. Jessica later joined Blake in the bathtub. While Jessica has become vocal about her feelings, Blake has become doubtful about their connection. He admitted -- not to her though -- that he does not see his and Jessica's relationship progressing much, and that chemistry alone cannot make the relationship work.

Sam, the current top favourite to get Blake's proposal, told him that she is confident about them and does feel that she has found love. However, she added that she was unable to invest her emotions completely in it. When Blake asked what will make her do that, she said that he sending the four girls home would help.

Blake cancelled the cocktail party, as he needed time to think about whom to send home at the rose ceremony. According to him, it was a tough decision, as he has strong feelings for all the girls.

Zoe said goodbye in episode 16.