An Aussie father is very proud of his identical triplets born in the U.S. as they are slowly becoming global sensation. Doctors at Sutter Memorial Hospital in California where the triplets were born said that chances of naturally conceived identical triplets are at one in 200 million

Named Laurel, Abby and Brindabella, the triplets are truly one-in-a-'two'-million.

The triplets were born to an Aussie father from Canberra, Tom Hepner, who married an American wife named Hannah.

''It has been overwhelming, but we knew it would be short-lived. I'm sure our girls will be amazed one day that the rarity of their birth was so celebrated. I'm in awe of the fact that the girls are here and doing so well. Every day I think about the fact that they are still supposed to be incubating inside me. I feel like I've cheated the system and get to meet and cuddle my girls so soon," Mr Hepner told The Canberra Times.

Mr Hepner shared that the moment they found out they will be having triplets, "time stood still [those] first few minutes''.

''I think that for most pregnancies, at some point, there is probably a joke about the possibility of twins. Triplets never ever got mentioned. Obviously it happens in the world, but not to us or anyone we've ever met.

As for their triplets, he said they were born healthy, and very feisty according to the nurses who attended to them.

"They are already showing their personalities, although it is hard to tell them apart sometimes. There's no denying the whole triplet angle will be fun sometimes, for both us and them, I'm sure. Most importantly we want to raise our girls as individuals, and will go out of our way to ensure they don't always feel like part of a package deal,'' Mr Hepner said.

''Growing up in Canberra, I spent large amounts of time fondly exploring the Brindabella ranges, west of Canberra. It is also where we had our small wedding ceremony in 2007, on top of Mount Franklin. I do miss my mum in Canberra dearly, who is unlikely to travel, and I have two brothers there, too. Other family and friends in Australia are missed a lot at a time like this. Once you've got roots in two different and wonderful places, it can really hit you hard," Mr Hepner told of his life back in Canberra.

Mr and Mrs Hepner shared that they no longer plan to have more children as they were already blessed and "incredibly lucky" to have the triplets with them.