Australians campaigning for animal rights will rally across the country on Sunday, August 14, in support of legislation that will determine the future of the live export trade. This comes after the first shipment of cattle since the lifting of the live export ban to Indonesia left the Port of Darwin on Wednesday and the government announcing a new package of subsidised loans and grants to cattle producers affected by the suspension of trade.

In Melbourne the rally will be held from 10:30am on the steps of Parliament House, Spring Street. Speakers include Dr. Hugh Wirth, President RSPCA Victoria, Lyn White, Animal Rights Campaigner Animals Australia, Adam Bandt, MP for the Greens Party.

RSPCA Victoria’s Dr. Hugh Wirth said the brutality in Indonesia was the last straw for the Australian public which is fed up with yet another live export scandal.

“On August 18 our Federal parliamentarians will cast their vote on a Bill that if supported will see live exports phased out over the next three years and the trade strictly regulated in the interim period.

“We know that this legislation, if supported, will result in positive changes for our country. A meat only export trade is more lucrative, more stable for producers, would create jobs and of course would be better for animals.

Dr. Wirth said both major parties currently have policies in support of live export but it is clear that many politicians who oppose animal cruelty are uncomfortable with this position.

The RSPCA is calling on the Prime Minister to allow a conscience vote on August 18 so MPs can vote in line with their own beliefs and the wishes of their constituents who overwhelmingly want this trade to end.