Elise Testone unleashed some very serious rockstar vibes Wednesday night on American Idol, singing Led Zeppelin's Whole Lotta Love with blazing energy while rock-groovin' and dragging her microphone like a truly compelling time-honed concert artist on stage.

With those moves matched to her powerful vocals, Testone might have just made some Americans cast 'Idol' votes for the first time, in the hopes of seeing her do something like that again.

Elise was not the only one who proved to be a stunning surprise this week; Heejun Han, who is now VotefortheWorst's favorite, decided to get serious after joining the bottom three for the first time last week as a result of a self-indulgent performance that judge Steven Tyler obviously disliked.

After singing A Song for You by Donny Hathaway, the rockstar judge told Heejun, "You did it. You turned it around. You let the song sing you and you made that song come alive."

Both Elise and Heejun will be safe and away from the bottom vote getters tomorrow. Joining them are consistent solid performers Phillip Phillips and Jessica Sanchez, who both seem to be in a league of their own.

Joshua Ledet and Colton Dixon are both pretty good singers, and both can be moving in their performances. But between the two, it is much easier to see Colton making it to the Top 8. The guy is quite determined to give a good show each time, but those who obviously try so hard can be boring, sometimes.

The voters are not likely to send home Elise, Heejun, Phillip, Jessica and Colton after Wednesday night's performances. For Joshua, the outlook is quite hazy, as there are two other strong girls in the Top 9. Who will make up the bottom three tomorrow?

Joshua, who has been in the bottom three in the past, was a 'judge favorite' of the night for his performance of Mariah Carey's Without You. But to the audience, it might seem a little too predictable and a lot less exciting than what Elise and the top contenders dished out during the show.

The remaining contestants are Deandre Brackensick, Hollie Cavanagh and Skylar Laine. These three and Joshua will fill the bottom ranks of the voting results.

While the judges raved on the beauty of Deandre's falsetto, it cannot be denied that the guy is not a pop star material. He often seemed disconnected to the music, and his silly take on Billy Joel's Only the Good Die Young last week is quite difficult to forgive. He did not even make it to the Top 10 the first time the voters got to pick their choices this season. He was Steven's wildcard pick.

It is a shame Hollie Cavanagh and Skylar Laine are forecasted here to join the bottom three. These two girls can do amazing things with their vocal prowess, but week after week, Hollie is increasingly getting boring and Skylar has yet to show a pop star quality.

If Elise had not done so well this week, either one of them (Skylar, more likely) will be safe, and Elise will again be at the bottom. Skylar gave a pretty strong number with Miranda Lambert's Gunpowder and Lead but at the end of the show, it really does not stick to memory. Fortunately, for her, she is not particularly difficult to appreciate.

At the end of Idol's 'Results Night' on Thursday, the forecast here is that Deandre Brackensick is going home.