The Top 6 of American Idol Season 11 tackled songs by Queen and another of their own choice on Wednesday night's performance show.

TMZ reported earlier that host Ryan Seacrest might fail to host this episode due to a stomach bug. Apparently, Seacrest could not bear to miss a show even for the first time in 11 years.

Jessica Sanchez was first to take on a Queen song, and she chose 'Bohemian Rhapsody.' The 16-year-old girl who wowed everyone with Whitney Houston's 'I Will Always Love You' is not a rock singer, and she showed it with the Queen song. Jessica just does not have the right angst and chutzpah for the song. Judge Steven Tyler told her with sweet honesty: "Singing rock isn't your forte."

Skylar Laine picked 'The Show Must Go On,' a title that she could be singing in relation to the elimination of rumored romantic interest Colton Dixon. Then again, she could have chosen the song because she knew she'd nail it, and boy, she did! The judges were all thrilled about the performance.

Joshua Ledet went for 'Crazy Little Thing Called Love' and did a pretty good job, although it is quite difficult to appreciate the over the top vocals especially on parts where restraint would have done him better. Still, he got another standing ovation from the judges. Judge Jennifer Lopez seemed reluctant to stand up for him, but she said, "Joshua's part of the show is my favorite part of the show."

Elise Testone took on 'I Want it All,' which seemed to be an apt battlecry for her journey on Idol. Now this is the rock star in the competition. She's done it with Led Zeppelin's 'Whole Lotta Love' and she's done it again with a Queen song. She's fabulous and fantastic when rockin' and letting go on stage. Seeing her again in bottom three would be so disheartening.

Phillip Phillips chose 'Fat Bottomed Girls' and pulled it off with charming audacity. Stevie used to tell him to watch his melody, but even at Phillip's worst, his charm beams up and saves his entire performance. Judge Randy Jackson told him he "wasn't jumping up and down" with his performance, but said anyway that it was good.

Hollie Cavanagh took on 'Save Me,' which is yet another interesting title relative to her journey on the show. It took a long time before she could let loose a little bit on the Idol stage, and last week she was pretty loosened up singing Adele's 'Rolling in the Deep.' Still, the audience missed some strong Adele elements in the song and sent her to bottom three along with Colton and Elise. Unfortunately, Hollie was only barely 'okay' with this Queen song.

Based on the first half alone, Hollie, Joshua and Jessica gave the weakest, least enjoyable, ergo, least rockin' performances overall.

The second part of this story will recap the second half of the show, with the Top 6 tackling songs they personally picked for a 'Remember-me' performance.