Phillip Phillips has managed to stay away from American Idol's bottom three all season, thanks to his solid fan base. But it is a week too soon to relax. The show is not yet over.

Phillips probably never thought he could go this far, but he has fans who have been rooting for him from the start of this season. No doubt, he could be the next American Idol. (Fox will have to wait until 2013 to find out if they could have another female champion.)

However, it is too soon to be complacent. Phillips' rival to the title, Jessica Sanchez, has a strong fan base, too.

These are the Top 3 things that could seal Phillips' win next week:

1. Song Choice

Every Idol fan has heard this from the judges and the media: Contestants must choose their songs carefully. Even with a limited selection from the producers, Phillips should go for songs that could make his voice shine. The song should also make him relatable to the audience. Familiarity can work wonders.

Idol mentor Jimmy Iovine did a wonderful job giving Phillips the classic Bob Seger tune, "We've Got Tonight." It may not be within his comfort zone, but it brought sparkle to his voice. He showed that he can deliver pure melody. He even gained new fans after that performance. If he could pick popular songs and twist it up well enough, that will work great. Phillips knows how to do this. He did it in the auditions with Michael Jackson's Thriller.

2. Surprises

Phillips surprised everyone with his Seger cover last Wednesday night on Idol. He has not reached for notes like that until then. He has not shown as much vulnerability without his guitar.

When he sang the first line, "I know it's late," the audience felt some walls collapsed. He got into the hearts of his listeners. Even Iovine was surprised, and in a very good way.

3. Fans' and supporters' votes

The voters should keep in mind that Phillips' competition is being supported by Mexicans and Filipinos living in America. Phillips needs all the votes he could get through all the available means.

Knowing Phillips, he would insist on doing what he feels like doing - be it for a regular show or championship rounds. The fans could only hope that he would go for the big win as much as they are supporting him.