With strong footing from day one on Idol Season 12, Angie Miller seemed to be a sure winner, until Candice Glover decided she was not going to make it easy for Angie. But no matter how powerful Candice’s voice is, Angie has more to offer that America finds itself casting their vote for the 18-year-old hopeful from Beverly, Massachusetts.

Millions of American Idol followers, did not think that it is going to be a big fight for Angie in to the final showdown of the Top Final 2 on Idol Season 12. Angie has been a frontrunner from Day 1 on Hollywood week. Sure, she had few rough moments since the Top Final 5 episode on American Idol 2013 - - Rihanna’s “Diamonds” is Angie’s weakest performance as the four judges sang in unison that her cover was “bland,” “lackluster.”

But her performances that gave America goosies like Beyonce’s “Halo,” her original score, “You Set Me Fre” and Beatles’ “Yesterday” and a lot more, have crept into the minds and the hearts of millions of America. And they stayed there and they continue to build up as the final showdown on American Idol is mere eight days away.

America has seemingly decided that Angie and Candice could be on the Top Final 2. But Kree is not backing off. As they sing love songs and the judges’ choice and Jim’s choices this week, America will determine if Angie is still in it for the win and Candice and Kree go head to head for the second spot.

Here are the reasons why Angie could be the next American Idol.
1. Angie’s song choices. Except maybe for Rihanna’s “Diamonds,” she sang on the second Top Final Four episode on Idol, Angie has always impressed the audience and the judges with her song choices. She is one Idol contestant who knows what’s gonna work for her. Disappointing the judges with RiRi’s hit song will remain a mystery but Angie is expected to bounce back and wins the night on Top 3 Final 3 performance.

2. Angie is a real artist with extra talent. Her skills with her hands playing the piano has done Angie some good. Songs she would choose week in, week out on Idol (except, again Rihanna’s “Diamonds”) have made an impact to the audience and would always bring the judges to their feet and honor her with standing ovation for a job well done. In every song, with her playing the piano.

3. Angie has the looks. There’s no doubt that of the remaining three Idol hopefuls, Angie carries the look with charisma and with star power in it. Producers would love to see her take the title as packaging her image to sell will be easy. The slim Idol, always ready with big smiles, have been likened by some of her followers with the looks of Miley Cyrus. Angie has not doubt has star quality in her.

4. Angie has a back story. There could be nothing more inspiring than a successful artist who beats the odds despite any limitation. Lazaro Arbos stayed on Idol, longer than he ought to, as his story, defeating his difficulties have earned him millions of supporters he had inspired and continue to inspire during his journey. This goes for Angie. She has a story to tell. She has admitted having significant hearing loss on both ears. ”What could be more touching than a girl to offer some music for us to listen to when she can hardly hear herself? Now, that’s a story.”

5. Angie has the most number of supporters. She has earned hundreds of thousands of followers in social media. The original Idol frontrunner has been saved in more than one occasions by her solid fan base, especially during those Idol episodes that left her disappointing both them and the judges.

As Angie sings love songs this week, expect the teen contestant to soar and regain her stronghold on Idol that will lead her to victory, “if the odds remain to be in her favor.”

Also READ:
American Idol 2013: Angie Miller’s Top 5 Best Performances on Season 12 [PHOTOS/VIDEOS] Click here.
Robert Pattinson-Kristen Stewart: The Lovers’ Best Looks, Sweetest Moments on the Red Carpet [PHOTOS] Click here.
Met Gala 2013 Memorable Looks: From Kristen Stewart, Rihanna and Beyonce Click here.