We love beer. We all love beer. We love it so much that often we wonder what else can be done with it apart from just drinking it. Well, good news then! There's much more to beer than meets the eye. There are so many cool ways to use beer.

Undeniably, researchers have showed that drinking beer in moderation has huge health benefits. But now, it is time to give way to the mighty drink and make it an even larger part of our lives.

Beer Bath

Chugging beer will never get old. Agreed. But have you tried soaking yourself in it? Fill up your tub with some nice cold beer and bathe in it. You will have your own bubble bath! Just thinking that you're covered up in that brilliant gold beer will help you relax.

Put Out Fire

Not many of us know this but beer can prove very useful to put out a fire. In case of one, shake a beer bottle vigorously and point it in the direction of the fire. It will create foam like a real extinguisher and help put out the fire. This generally helps in small fires like if a barbeque flares up. It is not as effective as a real fire extinguisher but in case there is none around, beer will do.

Smoothen Hair Instantly

Beer not only livens up a party but it gives life to dull hair too! It's a brilliant cure for damaged hair and gives instant luster and shine to your locks. So next time you buy some, make you to get a few extra cans. Boil about a cupful of beer until it's reduced to ¼ of the original amount. Let it cool. Mix it with your shampoo and voila! You can use it to give your hair that bouncy look you always wanted.

Flavour Your Meat

Beer has acidic properties and so it tenderizes meat brilliantly. The best thing about marinating your meat in beer is that it won't change the flavour of the meat even slightly like alcohol and vinegar based marinades often do. So just poke the meat and soak it in beer. Refrigerate and use! You will have a tastier cut in no time.

Use as Fertilizer

This is a secret that very few people can boast of knowing. If you're an avid gardener, there's nothing dearer to you than plants. Beer proves a great fertilizer for plants. Mix it with some water to dilute and use it on the soil. Since beer has some amount of Calcium and Magnesium, it boosts growth in plants!