Diets are always the in thing at the start of the year, but there are those that belong in the must-try department, and there are those classified under chuck 'em.

Here are the top 2 best diets and worst food-tortures for 2013.

The Alkaline Diet

Celebrities are both the best and worst trendsetters of diets. With all the enhancements that they can go through, you never know if their weight change is due to the diet alone or with a combination of a little nip and tuck somewhere.

However, Health magazine reports that the alkaline diet has been making headlines, thanks to celebrity supporters including Victoria Beckham, Jennifer Aniston, Kirsten Dunst, and Gwyneth Paltrow.

Why fit it in:

Even though research is limited when it comes to the alkaline diet, there are tangential benefits that may be the upside to going through with it.

A study by the National Center for Biotechnology Information reiterates potential benefits of the alkaline diet, including improving of bone health and memory, reducing of muscle wastage, and diminishing the risks of chronic illnesses and diseases.

The Bloodtype Diet

As the name implies, the Blood Type Diet, developed by Peter D'Adamo, dictates your food intake based on your blood type. So Type O people are allowed to eat meats while restricting on the grains, and Type A are the supposed vegetarians whose exercise are limited to gentle workouts.

Type B people are more for low-fat dairy and produce with moderate exercise, while the type AB ones are pointed towards seafood and produce with soothing, meditative movements.

Why take it out:

In a report from CBS News, Katherine Zeratsky of Mayo Clinic was quoted saying, "There's not sound scientific evidence that the so-called blood type diet is any more effective or any more beneficial for weight loss than is any other diet."

She adds that it is better to create a healthy eating and exercise plan that one can follow daily in the long term.

The 8-Hour Diet

What if there was a diet where you can eat anything you want and in any amount, while losing pounds and paving a way towards a healthier lifestyle? Sounds too good to be true?

Created by Men's Health magazine Editor Peter Moore and former Editor-in-Chief David Zinczenko, the 8-Hour Diet claims this, with just one catch-you can only do it for eight hours a day, reports Mother Nature Network. So if you start eating at 9 in the morning, your last meal should clock in by 5 in the evening.

Critics of the 8-Hour Diet are bashing the idea of a diet that does not restrict on any food-even unhealthy ones. But Moore and Zinczenko also precautioned in The 8-Hour Diet book that the diet is not an excuse to binge-you are still required to take healthy portions of the food you eat. Think of it as moderation is key to a healthier, thinner you.

Why fit it in:

Moore and Zinczenko have backed the diet with science, relating it to how dietary habits of man from before would usually be like-hunting down food before eating it, with no room for efficient storage of leftovers, hence the eight-hour time limit.

Plus it matches the diet with simple exercises, which are said to help burn the calories faster before breaking the 16-hour fast.

The New Age reports that the 8-Hour Diet is set to eliminate unnecessary eating during the times when we are not burning enough calories anyway. Think of it as eliminating the extra pounds from midnight snacks that just settle on your hips without ample exercise within the day.

The Dukan Diet

Labeled as the French diet by The New York Times, the Dukan Diet involves four phases where you have to follow a list of food to eat, with no restriction on the amount.

Consider this diet as a similar one to the 8-Hour Diet, giving you the promise of eating whatever you want, but leaving out the fine print rule of the limited list of food that you can actually consume.

Why take it out:

The Telegraph even labeled this as one of the worst celebrity diets. Aside from the short list of food you can eat, you tend to cut out entire food groups depending on what phase of the diet you are already in.

In an interview with The Telegraph, the British Dietitic Association even stated, "There is absolutely no solid science behind this at all. This works on restricting foods, calories and portion control again. Once again, cutting out food groups is not advisable."