Women of varying ages have funny and sometimes silly reasons for going to the gym.

Some would go to the gym because of peer pressure, friends who simply cannot do without the other or just to see a crush pumping some iron.

Whether you are really there to lose weight, break into some serious sweat, work on those biceps or be as shapely as Jennifer Lopez and forever young like Madonna, have the body of that or this girl-next-door, Fernwood Fitness Gyms in Australia will be there to help.

Fernwood Gym Australia, which has gyms all over the country from Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Hobart, and Canberra, have different programs that will suit your needs and whims.

There are programs created by Fernwood that include a 12-week "Get Foxy" Program; the Project Wedding Dress, Beach Body Boost, Military Miss Bootcamp, among the many others that can simply suit who you are and what you need are there at Fernwood

If sometimes you do not feel like burning calories on a machine, the Fernwood dance exercises like the much-raved Sumba classes, which are made simple but exciting, will allow you to easily swing and jive the spacious dance halls.

The exercise programs at Fernwood also come with very doable eating and nutrition programs that compliments your lifestyle. No more starving and binge eating as well.

There programs are divided to satisfy even those, who are in the advance stages of losing weight and would just want to tone further and lessen the appearance of cellulite, Fernwood Fitness Gym has cell-IQTM - the intelligent way to turn fat into energy.

Age and size do not matter at Fernwood Gym where the clients are prioritised to achieve goals to get fit, feel and look good.