IN PHOTO. In today’s job market, it may seem like getting your resume in the right hands is the hardest part of the process Reuters/ File

Thousands of people fail to land their dream job without knowing the real cause. You might be very close to working in the ultimate company but lack the skills, personality or resilience to get hired. Here are five reasons why your dream job is not hiring you.

1. You do not follow up. reported that many people are too embarrassed to return to their dream company to follow up their application or to ask why they were not chosen for the job. Getting feedback from potential employers will help you get a clear idea on your strengths and weaknesses. The information they give you can help you make the needed adjustments to become better in your next application.

2. You are too conservative. You might not be presenting yourself in the best manner when filing your application. Be more confident about your skills, work background and abilities. Learn how to sell yourself to potential employers by exuding confidence and showing that you will be a valuable asset to the company.

3. You get intimidated. The thought of possibly landing your dream job may intimidate you from showing your best self. As a result, you might get too shy or fail to communicate effectively with interviewers. Apply for your dream job in the same way that you would in any other and you will appear less threatened.

4. Anticipate. Forbes reported that you have to anticipate what your dream company is going to ask or expect from you. Talk to people who actually work in the same company and get some tips on how they handled the interview, opening tests and other requirements. Preparing for big interview will allow you to sell yourself better so you stand out from the rest.

5. You ask for too much. Some people believe that they deserve their dream job which is also why they have too many demands too soon. Be honest about your past work and accomplishments. When asked about your expected salary, let your potential employer know how much you were earning before and set your ideal figure. Your value to the company should be commensurate at least to what they will offer you.

Also avoid selling yourself short just to land your dream job. If you feel that the company is taking advantage of you just because you want the job very much, consider other options before accepting their offer.