Building rapport and establishing a solid relationship with a new client will require you to ask the right questions. Your goal is to show concern about their needs and your willingness to satisfy such needs. Here are five key questions that will create a good working relationship with clients and help expand your network.

1. How may I help you?

The question shows concern about your new client’s needs and demands. You establish yourself as a helpful and supportive person who will find ways to meet such needs. This way, your client will open up and rely on you more to cater to him accordingly.

2. So, you wish to avail of a product that can Am I right?

The question is actually a repetition of the client’s statement which clarifies it more, based on a report by Repeating the statement and asking questions for clarification purposes show that you are good at listening and understand the client’s needs. It also helps the client focus and specify his needs accordingly.

3. Can you provide me with the pros and cons of ?

Ask about the client’s previous experiences with other products, services and companies. The information he provides you will help you come up with a set of expectations so you have a strategy on how to better manage the client and his needs. Come up with a support plan by focusing on the benefits that he looks forward to and providing better services compared to his shared bad experiences with other businesses.

4. Do you wish to avail of option A or option B?

TechRepublic advised that you learn more about your client as you continue to converse with him, then provide options based on the specifics he provided. Providing options is very helpful for customers because these give them an easier way to make decisions. You sort out the details and give them packages that make the task more convenient and attainable.

5. Can you please provide us with feedback?

The question is best ask after you have provided products or services to the client. Asking for feedback shows that you are concerned about how your business is benefiting the client even after sales. You can create long-term relationships with customers by getting feedback and making adjustments according to their evaluation.

These questions will help you know your client better and cater to their needs and demands in the best manner.