A man jogs on the sand next to the Pacific Ocean at sunrise
A man jogs on the sand next to the Pacific Ocean at sunrise in the beach in California June 20, 2014. Reuters

Many fitness experts say that exercising in the morning can maximize weight loss. There are actually many other morning activities that you can try to boost fat burn and reach your ideal weight quickly. Here are some tips on how to create your morning weight loss routine.

1. Exercise

When you work out first thing in the morning before eating your first meal of the day, you actually maximize fat burn. The body usually uses carbohydrates as fuel when you exercise. However, if you work out after sleeping for several hours, your body will immediately tap into your fat stores, thereby helping you lose more fat in the process. A study conducted at the University of Glasgow revealed how exercising before breakfast burns more fat than working out after meals.

2. Eat breakfast

Eating will jump start your metabolism and aid in burning calories even when you are at rest. People who skip breakfast also tend to lower their leptin levels, which is essential for fat loss. Eat a low-fat high-fiber breakfast consisting of oats, non-fat milk, and fruits to start your day. Your morning weight loss routine should always involve natural food. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed how eating breakfast can reduce dietary fat and minimize impulsive snacking.

3. Drink coffee

Caffeine helps in burning fat because it binds to fat and signals the body to use it as an energy source. Plenty of studies showed the efficacy of caffeine in boosting weight loss. Taking caffeine before your morning workout also improves alertness and adds to the intensity of each exercise, helping you burn more calories. Incorporate a cup of black coffee or green tea in your morning weight loss routine.

4. Eat your favorite snack

Instead of going for midnight snacks, it is better to indulge in your favorite foods in the morning since you have the entire day to burn off the extra calories. Many health experts also advise people to eat more in the morning when your metabolism is at its peak. Slowly taper off the calories as the day progresses.

5. Weigh and stretch

Weighing yourself in the morning upon waking up will provide you with more consistent and accurate results. Weigh yourself at the same time each morning and set your fitness goals accordingly. Stretching after you weigh will also help improve blood circulation in your muscles and get you prepared for workouts and other fat-burning activities.

Follow these tips and adjust your morning weight loss routine accordingly.