When interviewing potential candidates for a job, you may be giving frequently asked questions that are truly irrelevant. Know your reasons for asking such and determine if these will help you find the most suitable person for the company. Here are five common job interview questions that usually do not make sense.

1. How much do you want this job?

Examiner.com reported that the question is actually poorly framed or might even intimidate or offend applicants. As a potential employer, you should be able to determine the applicant’s level of enthusiasm by asking more specific questions, such as “Tell us about your favorite activities regarding this potential position.”

2. How old are you? Do you have children?

These questions are irrelevant because these should appear in the curriculum vitae and written application. Asking such questions only shows that you might have not gone over their application. These also give the impression that you are unprepared and uninterested.

3. If you were a household item, what would you be?

NJ.com reported that unless you have a deeper reason for asking such weird questions, you should not be asking these at all. Some employers are trying to determine the creativity and resourcefulness of candidates by asking seemingly irrelevant questions. If your goal is just to start a conversation, ask more proper questions instead.

4. What do you think about the current financial crisis?

Unless your company or department is well-related to the subject, avoid asking hypothetical questions. It is difficult to generate a clear idea about the person by asking these questions, because the answers are either subjective or fictitious.

5. Have you tried applying in other companies?

The question can be misunderstood by applicants that you do not find them suitable for the job. It may also give the impression that you feel threatened by other companies in the same industry. You may ask about the departments he wishes to be assigned in but avoid talking about other companies.

Being more accurate and definite in your questions will render more solid and clear answers. These will help you know more about the interviewee and find the right person that truly adds value to your business.