
A company called Blizzident introduces a 3D “toothbrush” that can clean your teeth in six seconds. This invention doesn’t actually resemble a toothbrush as we know it, but it is more of a printer based on the mold of one’s teeth. We are advised to brush our teeth at least twice a day and for at least two minutes. Blizzident claims that its invention can give the teeth a full and thorough cleaning within six seconds. That has to go on record as the fastest ever.

Where to Get This 3D Toothbrush

First, ask your dentist to make an impression of your teeth. Blizzident will generate a 3D model of this impression and will create a printed plastic mold which is lined with small bristles resembling those of a real toothbrush.

How It Cleans Your Teeth

Put toothpaste on your tongue (dentists typically say use "pea-sized" amount) and move it over your upper teeth. The toothpaste will coat your lower teeth as well. Bite down onto the Blizzident, or move your teeth as if you are chewing food. Do this for six seconds, and your teeth are clean. Reportedly, this revolutionary toothbrush can clean nooks and corners not normally reached by an ordinary toothbrush.

Blizzident claims this 3D toothbrush eliminates the errors people make while brushing their teeth, since in a way they don't have to do the brushing themselves.

Take a look at this demo clip:

How Much Does It Cost?

This revolutionary 3D toothbrush from Blizzident costs US $299 and lasts one year. That's more expensive than three regular toothbrushes combined.

What do you think of this 3D toothbrush? Do you believe it can give your teeth a good and complete cleaning in six seconds?