As white supremacist Craig Cobb grappled on the DNA test that suggests he is 14 percent black. Those who haven't heard of Cobb are now wondering who he is.

Below are a few things to know about the white supremacist.

1. He has been trying to build an "Aryan Colony" in Leith, North Dakota since he moved to the place in 2012. Cobb never died the allegations.

2. Racism is his religion.

3. Craig Cobb advocates what he calls a racial holy war.

4. He celebrates murder and violence against non-whites.

5. He loves Neo Nazi paraphernalia.

6. His father was reportedly a multimillionaire but Cobb worked as a taxi driver for over a decade.

7. He made interstate deliveries of a Neo Nazi paper. These papers were unsolicitied.

8. In 2005, he received an inheritance of $85,000 and moved to Estonia.

9. While in Estonia, he hoped to establish an office for the "White Diaspora."

10. He is banned from Estonia until 2015 because of his racist activities.

11. He is wanted in Canada for hate crimes.

12. He calls like-minded people as "white nationalists."

13. He promotes hatred on Podblanc, his Web site.

14. He was arrested because of this Web site in June of 2010.

15. Craig Cobb is 62 years old.

16. He is both a U.S. and Canadian citizen.

17. Leith residents are worried about Cobb's Aryan colony.

18. The police in Leith keep answering calls from concerned residents because of Cobb.

19. Cobb feels he can control Leith, North Dakota politically.

20. Although he is wanted in Canada, Cobb still crosses the border and isn't afraid to make that information public.

21. He says he misses Canada.

22. He hasn't been arrested in the U.S. because he hasn't broken any laws.

23. He looks like a hippie. Some say he looks like a character from "Sons of Anarchy."

24. He believes that blacks are more violent than their white counterparts.

25. He also believes that black people are less intelligent than whites.

26. He calls mixed race couples as mudsharks.

27. Craig Cobb hates Jews and gays.