"There's nothing to eat". That is undoubtedly one of the most depressing statements you ever make when you open the refrigerator and there's nothing you want to eat. Wouldn't it make life easy to make quick, simple, appetizing meals any time of the day? Stock these great food options in your fridge for those untimely hunger pangs. Bon appetit!


You're never too old for milk. It's always good to have some in your fridge at all times. Whether flavored, soy, non fat or skimmed, it does wonders to fill you up. It's is a great source of high quality protein. Having at least a glassful everyday boosts your nutritional intake majorly. So, drink up!


Simple and delicious, made of chickpeas, hummus is rich in both soluble and insoluble fibre. It's tasty and nutritious but also low in calories. Use it as a spread, dip or a garlic flavoured pita filling. You can whip up some hummus in just seconds!


Make sure you're never out of yoghurt. It's a perfect for making smoothies, using with fresh fruits or as a substitute for high fat sour cream. Yoghurt smooths the skin and soothes the stomach. It satiates your hunger and keeps the calories in check too. There are very few foods that help meet your nutritional needs at every stage like yoghurt!


Fry them, scramble them, boil them or just the classic sunny side up. Eggs are perhaps the best option to explore. They go with almost anything. They're easy to make and they're loaded with protein. Keep a dozen handy in your fridge and you'll never look for anything else to curb your untimely hunger.


Naturally sweet and filling, bananas are a nutrient rich food with abundant potassium and fibre. They taste divine when eaten alone but you can mix them up with a million other things and have a simple and quick snack in no time. Slice a banana into milk and cereal, or dip it in peanut butter for delicious pops or just pour some chocolate syrup over it and have a flavour packed quick bite.


A handful of nuts are a better alternative than greasy fried snacks that never do any good to the body. Nuts, if mixed with yoghurt, smoothies, cereals, etc make for a great healthy selection. Just a few nuts and you have a quick, filling, protein-rich snack.

Peanut Butter

Peanut butter has a bad reputation for being fatty. But if you eat it in the right proportion, it can be a nutritious choice. And interestingly, you can team it up with anything from breads, celery stalks or even nuts for more protein and healthier fat!


You will definitely want the low-fat mayonnaise. Don't hesitate to use it in sandwiches, mix into tuna or egg salad, and to make veggie dips and salad dressings. Or just have fresh fruits dipped in mayo!


You can go raid the supermarket for any kind of juice you like. There are so many great flavors available. A fresh, wholesome, unsweetened type, however, is generally the healthiest. Use a juicer, and make fresh juice of fruits and vegetables. Even better, you can combine different ones, like orange, lemon and carrot, for more exotic tastes.

Whole Wheat Pasta

Any time you crave a quick, filling dinner, this is your best pick. Whole-wheat pasta has more fibre than white flour pasta, so a smaller serving fills you up more. Add penne to salads, soups, or eat angel hair with a low-calorie marinara sauce or a dash of olive oil, garlic and chilli flakes.